Discussion Meeting with Prof. Shanmugaratnam

The discussion meeting on ‘development’ with Prof. Shanmugaratnam was held on 21st February, 2016 chaired by the Chief Executive Officer, Aaruthal. Chief executive officer welcomed Prof. Shanmugaratnam and his wife and the officers of Aaruthal for the discussion meeting.

Prof. Shanmugaratnam stated about the developed countries used their strength of ‘ Technology of Control’ and tried to force it to the developing countries. The developed countries increased  their capital  further more but not concentrate to lay foundation  in developing countries.

Some others said that ‘ Development helped for the freedom of the people but it became a failure. In 1980 a German writer Wolfgang Sachs wrote the book ‘The Development Dictionary’. According to the opinion of the Prof. he took the decision in a hurry. Therefore when we observe the development of people after several years of war, it must be concentrated on resettlement and to develop their livelihood. Those who went abroad selected their own residence. The organization like Aaruthal that works for the benefit of the people  communicate with the people and work enthusiastically. We must have a specific idea on which area we are going to make inquiries and  evaluate them.

Prof. wrote about ‘Human Advancement’ in his article. Most of the development projects are helpful for  livelihood of the people.  After the war had ended in  2009,  the government at that time said that development was preferably needed for the people. According to Professor’s opinion,  Development was not the alternative solution of the government. The other requirements of the people can be contented.

The resolution of the government can help for the development but not an alternative outcome. For example: “Vadakkin Vasantham and Kilakkin Uthayam” should restore the livelihood of the people  without impediment. When we talk about people affected by war, there are several discrimination in the society.

In Northern and Eastern provinces there are more  80,000 women headed families. We have to observe the  changes among the people affected by war. This is the development after the war had been finished. According to  ‘Public Finance Leadership’  of Bryan, Jaffna will be changed as the second big city in Sri Lanka. This is a good affair. Prof. pointed out about the difficulties faced by the students of Eluvankarai  and Paduvankarai.

We have to looked into the cash economy.  Due to the cash economy, there are many geographical differences within the country. The people who raised through their earnings ( lesser class )lost their status in the society.

The major part of the money did not make a capital, did not help for the production, did not change the economy but it created immense differentiation among the society.
