Inauguration of Diploma in Preschool Education – Kilinochchi Zone -2014/2015

Inauguration of Diploma in Preschool Education Kilinochchi  funded by World Vision, Rahama & Tdhs DSCN9144DSCN9137Preschool teachers are responsible for the educational and social development of children between the ages of 3 and 5. They use a variety of instruction methods including dance, art, music, storytelling and games to instill learning in small children. Preschool teachers fulfill several roles in order to prepare their students’ expectations to primary school. Preschool-age children require interactive and movement-based activity for maximized learning potential. It is the role of the preschool teacher to lead children in activities such as drawing, painting, dancing, singing and storytelling. Preschool teachers have the responsibility of demonstrating to children, the connection between fun and learning.

The quality of pre-school provision depends greatly on the teachers and the training received by them. Teacher training and qualification offer high leverage opportunities for enhancing standards of training and expanding career opportunities for pre-school professionals. The various levels of training are planned to cater to the different needs of the teachers. These include courses to prepare them for leadership positions in the sector. This will ensure that pre-school professionals are well equipped to provide our young with an enriched learning environment, to nurture their social skills and values, and prepare them for lifelong learning.

One of the missions of Aaruthal, Sri Lanka is to strengthen the capacity of preschool teachers in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.  In this regard our Organization Aaruthal came forward to conduct the Diploma Course for the preschool teachers in collaboration with the Provincial  Ministries  of Education and the Ministry of Child Development and Women’s Affairs. The approval to conduct the Diploma Course was granted to Aaruthal, Sri Lanka by the Ministry of Child Development and Women’s Affairs.

Objectives of the session:

  • To raise awareness and understanding of the Diploma Course.

Inaugural session:

The inaugural session of  the Diploma Course in Preschool Education,KilinochchiZonewas held on 2nd November, 2014 at the Teacher Centre, Kn/ Kilinochchi Central college.

The course  was funded by:

  • World Vision
  • ‘Rahama’
  • Tdhs

The following officers of Aaruthal accompanied with the Chief Executive Officer to the inaugural session held at the Teacher Centre, Kn/ Kilinochchi Central College.

  1. Mr.S.Mathavakumarn, Consultanat.
  2. Miss. Jenshiya
  3. Miss.E.Bruntha

The Director of ‘Rahama’ Orgnization, Mr.Loganathan, Mrs.S.Suba, The Former Deputy Director of Education and the resource person of Aaruthal, Mr.S.Sinnarajah, Mr.K.Yuvarajah also attended the inaugural session.

Address by ADE-Preschool:

The session was chaired by the Assistant Director of Education, Mr.Vinthan. The session commenced at 10.00 am  with silent prayer. The chairman in his speech stated  about the Diploma course conducted by Aaruthal and the great effort of  the  Chief Executive Officer, Aaruthal, Mr.Sundaran DivakalalaDSCN9133

He also added that World Vision took the responsibility for 50 teachers, and Rahama took the responsibility for 27 teachers to follow the Diploma in Preschool Education. Others have to follow the course in their own expenses. He tries to get fund from other organization too.

He pointed out that 342 teachers were completed the diploma  course and awarded with certificates  during the past years.

Address by the Director ‘ Rahama’ Mr.Loganathan:

He stated the aim of their Organization ‘Rahama’ is to “Develop a Good Society”. In order to achieve the aim of the organization they provided fund for the diploma Course for preschool teachers. Everything can be destroyed but the Education Can’t be Destroyed by anyone. So they want to raise the  standard of the preschools. They involved in this activity and financed to train the teachers. He also requested the preschool teachers to  utilize the opportunity and get the maximum benefit of the course.DSCN9139Address by the former DDE  Mr.Sinnarajah

Mr.Sinnarajah, Resource person for the Diploma Course stated that the growth of a child is during the age 1 to 5. Considering the future of the children the diploma Course has been conducted to preschool teachers. Teachers acquire the knowledge, skill and attitude  of the course and guide the children as a good citizen in the future. Teachers follow the course not only for the certificates but to make utilize the acquired skills for the development of children.DSCN9141Address by the Chief Executive Officer, Aaruthal:

Chief Executive Officer, Aaruthal started with the proverbs  “Life Long Learning – Cradle to grave habit.”

The misbehavior of some of the preschool teachers affect the preschool children in the wrong way. Yawning, Inserting pencils into the year and left in the middle of the programmem were mentioned by the Chief Executive Officer, Aaruthal. The Preschool teachers are the model for the children. They have to teach good manners and behaviours for the children.

Many new theories  and policies are put forward worldwide. We can’t leave form these policies. None of the country can function alone. The new thinking of the world is appropriate for all the countries. At the beginning the preschools started functioning with different aims. But now the teaching of the preschool teachers can solve many problems. Preschool education is a lifelong education.DSCN9146Education is to explore knowledge. The importance of education is what the child is learning but not how long the child is learning in a school. Therefore the foundation for education is at preschools. We must develop the preschool education as we go forward towards knowledge (Science). In 2020 all the Preschools in Northern and Eastern Provinces will have developed  to a Great Amount in preschool education.

Chief Executive Officer also briefed about the paper setting, paper correction and  Releasing results. The attendance of the students is not less than 80 percent. Diploma holders must wear cloak for the convocation.  The society respects them when they wear the cloak.

Finally he wise the teachers to follow the course successfully and thanked the donors and the ADE, Mr.Vinthan for arranging the inaugural session.

Adddress by Mr. Mathavakumaran, Consultant, Aaruthal

Mr. Mathavakumaran, Consultant,in his address stated that our aim is to strengthen the professional qualification of the teachers. The Preschool teachers are the leaders for the Motto of Aaruthal  “ Vadalikal Vannuyarum.” The preschoolers are the future leaders. They always appreciate the course designed by Aaruthal. The teachers should guide the children using the knowledge, skills and techniques acquired in the Diploma course.DSCN9150

He briefed about the Diploma Course and the contents of the 16 subjects that are very essential for the preschool children.  The Diploma Course would be conducted for 10 months, covering three weekends per months. He explained the teachers about:

  • The Diploma Course and Subject matter of each subject
  • Explanation about Assignments
  • Action Research
  • Semester examinations, evaluation and grading
  • Attendance of the teachers to the Diploma Course should be not less than 80%
  • Plan the Diploma course according to the time frame
  • Progress reporting System
  • Discussion about teaching practice

He also explained about the Convocation and the certificate which is very valuable issued to the teachers.

The session adjourned at 01.00 pm and reached Aaruthal office at 02.45 pm.DSCN9152 DSCN9135

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